Spice up your lives: Benefits of Black Pepper


Adding that extra zing to the Indian dishes, spicing up our meals, this humble natural product has been in our kitchen cabinets for long. But, did you know that black pepper can add a lot more than adding flavor to your dishes?

Helps prevent Cancer.

  • Combined with turmeric, it has heightened cancer prevention
  • Contains Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Flavonoids, carotenes and other anti-oxidants helping in free radical removal and prevention of cancer.

Helps in Digestion.

Helps in reducing weight.

  • The phytonutrients on its outer cover stimulates fat breakdown.

Relieves flatulence.

Beats Dandruff.

  • A teaspoonful of crushed black pepper in a cup of curd, can be applied to the scalp and left for half an hour. Wash it off with water. Use mild shampoo the next day.

Relieves cough and clears stuffy nose.

  • Sprinkled over a hot soup, this can be an immediate remedy.

Improves appetite.

  • This can go a long way in treating Anorexia.

Helps in nutrient management.

  • By increasing the bioavailability of nutrients (Proper absorption and transportation) from food, this helps the body to use nutrients more efficiently.

Natural anti-depressant.

  • Increases the cognitive function of brain and thus helping in beating depression.

To make the best use of black pepper, make sure you use only freshly crushed pepper in your food.